
🇸🇬Singapore , Singapore


BedrijfAmazon.com Inc.
Laatst gewijzigde datum2020-11-03
Misbruik e-mail[email protected]
Gehoste domeinen0
Gehoste mailservers0
Gehoste nameservers0


IP-geolocatie wordt gebruikt om de fysieke locatie (zoals land, regio, stad en breedte-/lengtegraadcoördinaten) van het apparaat dat is gekoppeld aan een specifiek IP-adres te bepalen. Het IP-adres bevindt zich in Singapore.

Coördinaten1.289987 , 103.850281
1.289987 , 103.850281


RDAP staat voor Registration Data Access Protocol. Het is een protocol dat wordt gebruikt om registratiegegevens voor internetbronnen zoals domeinnamen, IP-adressen en autonome systeemnummers op te halen en te raadplegen. RDAP heeft verschillende voordelen ten opzichte van het WHOIS-protocol, waaronder ondersteuning voor internationalisering, veilige toegang tot gegevens en de mogelijkheid om gedifferentieerde toegang tot registratiegegevens te bieden. Hier zijn de ruwe RDAP-gegevens voor


Laatst gewijzigde datum2020-11-03
Misbruik E-mail[email protected]
Registrant Telefoon+65-3129-2536
Registrant E-mail[email protected]
Administratief Telefoon+65-3129-2536
Technisch Telefoon+65-3129-2536
Administratief E-mail[email protected]
Technisch E-mail[email protected]

Ruwe gegevens

2        "rdapConformance": [
3                "history_version_0",
4                "nro_rdap_profile_0",
5                "cidr0",
6                "rdap_level_0"
7        ],
8        "notices": [
9                {
10                        "title": "Source",
11                        "description": [
12                                "Objects returned came from source",
13                                "APNIC"
14                        ]
15                },
16                {
17                        "title": "Terms and Conditions",
18                        "description": [
19                                "This is the APNIC WHOIS Database query service. The objects are in RDAP format."
20                        ],
21                        "links": [
22                                {
23                                        "value": "https://rdap.apnic.net/ip/",
24                                        "rel": "terms-of-service",
25                                        "href": "http://www.apnic.net/db/dbcopyright.html",
26                                        "type": "text/html"
27                                }
28                        ]
29                },
30                {
31                        "title": "Whois Inaccuracy Reporting",
32                        "description": [
33                                "If you see inaccuracies in the results, please visit: "
34                        ],
35                        "links": [
36                                {
37                                        "value": "https://rdap.apnic.net/ip/",
38                                        "rel": "inaccuracy-report",
39                                        "href": "https://www.apnic.net/manage-ip/using-whois/abuse-and-spamming/invalid-contact-form",
40                                        "type": "text/html"
41                                }
42                        ]
43                }
44        ],
45        "country": "SG",
46        "events": [
47                {
48                        "eventAction": "registration",
49                        "eventDate": "2020-04-07T00:45:52Z"
50                },
51                {
52                        "eventAction": "last changed",
53                        "eventDate": "2020-11-03T15:20:36Z"
54                }
55        ],
56        "name": "ENJINEER-SG",
57        "remarks": [
58                {
59                        "description": [
60                                "Enjin PTE LTD"
61                        ],
62                        "title": "description"
63                },
64                {
65                        "description": [
66                                "--------------------------------------------------------",
67                                "To report network abuse, please contact mnt-irt",
68                                "For troubleshooting, please contact tech-c and admin-c",
69                                "Report invalid contact via www.apnic.net/invalidcontact",
70                                "--------------------------------------------------------",
71                                "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
72                        ],
73                        "title": "remarks"
74                }
75        ],
76        "links": [
77                {
78                        "value": "https://rdap.apnic.net/ip/",
79                        "rel": "self",
80                        "href": "https://rdap.apnic.net/ip/",
81                        "type": "application/rdap+json"
82                },
83                {
84                        "value": "https://rdap.apnic.net/ip/",
85                        "rel": "related",
86                        "href": "https://netox.apnic.net/search/",
87                        "type": "text/html"
88                }
89        ],
90        "status": [
91                "active"
92        ],
93        "type": "ALLOCATED PORTABLE",
94        "endAddress": "",
95        "ipVersion": "v4",
96        "startAddress": "",
97        "objectClassName": "ip network",
98        "handle": " -",
99        "entities": [
100                {
101                        "roles": [
102                                "abuse"
103                        ],
104                        "events": [
105                                {
106                                        "eventAction": "registration",
107                                        "eventDate": "2020-04-06T02:38:17Z"
108                                },
109                                {
110                                        "eventAction": "last changed",
111                                        "eventDate": "2023-05-16T14:13:13Z"
112                                }
113                        ],
114                        "remarks": [
115                                {
116                                        "description": [
117                                                "[email protected] was validated on 2023-05-16",
118                                                "[email protected] was validated on 2023-05-16"
119                                        ],
120                                        "title": "remarks"
121                                }
122                        ],
123                        "links": [
124                                {
125                                        "value": "https://rdap.apnic.net/ip/",
126                                        "rel": "self",
127                                        "href": "https://rdap.apnic.net/entity/IRT-ENJINEER-SG",
128                                        "type": "application/rdap+json"
129                                }
130                        ],
131                        "vcardArray": [
132                                "vcard",
133                                [
134                                        [
135                                                "version",
136                                                {},
137                                                "text",
138                                                "4.0"
139                                        ],
140                                        [
141                                                "fn",
142                                                {},
143                                                "text",
144                                                "IRT-ENJINEER-SG"
145                                        ],
146                                        [
147                                                "kind",
148                                                {},
149                                                "text",
150                                                "group"
151                                        ],
152                                        [
153                                                "adr",
154                                                {
155                                                        "label": "16 Raffles Quay "
156                                                },
157                                                "text",
158                                                [
159                                                        "",
160                                                        "",
161                                                        "",
162                                                        "",
163                                                        "",
164                                                        "",
165                                                        ""
166                                                ]
167                                        ],
168                                        [
169                                                "email",
170                                                {},
171                                                "text",
172                                                "[email protected]"
173                                        ],
174                                        [
175                                                "email",
176                                                {
177                                                        "pref": "1"
178                                                },
179                                                "text",
180                                                "[email protected]"
181                                        ]
182                                ]
183                        ],
184                        "objectClassName": "entity",
185                        "handle": "IRT-ENJINEER-SG"
186                },
187                {
188                        "roles": [
189                                "registrant"
190                        ],
191                        "events": [
192                                {
193                                        "eventAction": "registration",
194                                        "eventDate": "2020-03-17T12:59:06Z"
195                                },
196                                {
197                                        "eventAction": "last changed",
198                                        "eventDate": "2020-03-17T12:59:06Z"
199                                }
200                        ],
201                        "links": [
202                                {
203                                        "value": "https://rdap.apnic.net/ip/",
204                                        "rel": "self",
205                                        "href": "https://rdap.apnic.net/entity/ORG-EPL32-AP",
206                                        "type": "application/rdap+json"
207                                }
208                        ],
209                        "vcardArray": [
210                                "vcard",
211                                [
212                                        [
213                                                "version",
214                                                {},
215                                                "text",
216                                                "4.0"
217                                        ],
218                                        [
219                                                "fn",
220                                                {},
221                                                "text",
222                                                "Enjin PTE LTD"
223                                        ],
224                                        [
225                                                "kind",
226                                                {},
227                                                "text",
228                                                "org"
229                                        ],
230                                        [
231                                                "adr",
232                                                {
233                                                        "label": "16 Raffles Quay \nHong Leong Building"
234                                                },
235                                                "text",
236                                                [
237                                                        "",
238                                                        "",
239                                                        "",
240                                                        "",
241                                                        "",
242                                                        "",
243                                                        ""
244                                                ]
245                                        ],
246                                        [
247                                                "tel",
248                                                {
249                                                        "type": "voice"
250                                                },
251                                                "text",
252                                                "+65-3129-2536"
253                                        ],
254                                        [
255                                                "email",
256                                                {},
257                                                "text",
258                                                "[email protected]"
259                                        ]
260                                ]
261                        ],
262                        "objectClassName": "entity",
263                        "handle": "ORG-EPL32-AP"
264                },
265                {
266                        "roles": [
267                                "administrative",
268                                "technical"
269                        ],
270                        "events": [
271                                {
272                                        "eventAction": "registration",
273                                        "eventDate": "2020-04-06T02:38:16Z"
274                                },
275                                {
276                                        "eventAction": "last changed",
277                                        "eventDate": "2020-04-06T08:34:42Z"
278                                }
279                        ],
280                        "links": [
281                                {
282                                        "value": "https://rdap.apnic.net/ip/",
283                                        "rel": "self",
284                                        "href": "https://rdap.apnic.net/entity/EPLA15-AP",
285                                        "type": "application/rdap+json"
286                                }
287                        ],
288                        "vcardArray": [
289                                "vcard",
290                                [
291                                        [
292                                                "version",
293                                                {},
294                                                "text",
295                                                "4.0"
296                                        ],
297                                        [
298                                                "fn",
299                                                {},
300                                                "text",
301                                                "Enjin PTE LTD Administrator"
302                                        ],
303                                        [
304                                                "kind",
305                                                {},
306                                                "text",
307                                                "group"
308                                        ],
309                                        [
310                                                "adr",
311                                                {
312                                                        "label": "16 Raffles Quay "
313                                                },
314                                                "text",
315                                                [
316                                                        "",
317                                                        "",
318                                                        "",
319                                                        "",
320                                                        "",
321                                                        "",
322                                                        ""
323                                                ]
324                                        ],
325                                        [
326                                                "tel",
327                                                {
328                                                        "type": "voice"
329                                                },
330                                                "text",
331                                                "+65-3129-2536"
332                                        ],
333                                        [
334                                                "email",
335                                                {},
336                                                "text",
337                                                "[email protected]"
338                                        ]
339                                ]
340                        ],
341                        "objectClassName": "entity",
342                        "handle": "EPLA15-AP"
343                }
344        ],
345        "cidr0_cidrs": [
346                {
347                        "v4prefix": "",
348                        "length": 23
349                }
350        ],
351        "port43": "whois.apnic.net"

Gratis Hulpmiddelen

IP-adres Zoeken

Voer een IP-adres in om gedetailleerde informatie hierover te verkrijgen, inclusief geografische locatie, leverancier, ASN en Whois-informatie. Volg en lokaliseer IP-adressen.

Website Alternatieven Vinder

Onderzoek websites en bied een selectie van alternatieve opties.

Wat is Mijn IP

Alle informatie over uw IP-adres. Locatie, tijdzone, netwerk, adresstype (IPv4 of IPv6) en meer. Zie uw echte openbare IP-adres.


Wat is het ASN en AS-naam van

Het ASN van is 14618, de AS-naam is Amazon.com Inc.

Hoeveel domeinen worden gehost op

Er worden 0 domeinen gehost op

Wat is de geografische locatie van

Het land van is Singapore, en de stad is Singapore. De postcode van is 179431