Reverse Class C Address Statistics

Reverse Class C Address Lookup and Statistics Tool

Explore active IP addresses and the number of hosted domains within a specified Class C IP address range.

The Reverse Class C IP Address Lookup and Statistics Tool provides users with a simple yet powerful platform to explore active IP addresses and the number of hosted domains within a specified Class C IP address range. Whether you're a network administrator, security expert, or a regular user, this tool offers essential network insights for better management and optimization of your network resources.

Principles and Usage of the Reverse Class C IP Address Lookup and Statistics Tool

On the reverse Class C IP address statistics tool page, users can take full advantage of the following functionalities to find and analyze active IP addresses and the number of hosted domains within a specific Class C IP address range:

  1. Obtain IP Address List Users need to provide a Class C IP address, typically an IPv4 address like "8.8.8". The tool processes the provided Class C address to retrieve all IP addresses within this range.

  2. Perform IP Range Search Once the reverse Class C IP address is provided, the tool can perform an IP range search. During this process, the tool scans through all IP addresses within the specified range, from the starting IP address to the ending IP address. For each IP address, the tool performs an active IP address check to determine whether the IP address is active.

  3. Hosted Domain Count Statistics Additionally, the tool performs a count of hosted domains for each active IP address. By executing DNS queries, the tool retrieves the number of domains hosted on each active IP address. This provides valuable information about network structure and domain distribution.

Through these steps, users can quickly obtain detailed information about active IP addresses and the number of hosted domains within a specific Class C IP address range, leading to a better understanding of network conditions and domain distribution.

Usage Notes

Correct formatting of the Class C IP address is crucial for the functionality and accuracy of the tool's analysis. Incorrect formatting may lead to the tool misinterpreting your input, thereby affecting result accuracy. Therefore, when inputting the address, be sure to adhere to the correct format and ensure that each digit falls within the range of 0 to 255.


The Reverse Class C IP Address Lookup and Statistics Tool allows in-depth analysis of these active IP addresses and further provides statistics on the number of hosted domains on each IP address. This functionality brings various benefits to network administrators and cybersecurity professionals and plays a significant role in network auditing and domain management:

  1. Network Auditing: The domain hosting count statistics offer an effective method for network administrators to inspect and verify the domains hosted on active IP addresses within the network. This is essential for identifying unauthorized activities, potential threats, and improper behavior. By monitoring domain counts, administrators can promptly detect anomalies, enhancing network security.

  2. Domain Management: For organizations with a large number of domains, counting the domains on each IP address is a crucial aspect of domain asset management. With the tool's assistance, domain administrators can gain a clearer understanding of which IP addresses host multiple domains, enabling better planning and management of domain resources. This helps prevent resource waste, optimizes domain configurations, and ensures domain compliance.

In conclusion, the Reverse Class C IP Address Lookup and Statistics Tool provides domain hosting count statistics. Whether used for network auditing or domain resource management, this feature offers robust support to users, assisting them in better managing and maintaining their network ecosystem.


Through this tool, users can input a target Class C IP address and subsequently retrieve the range of active IP addresses along with the number of hosted domains on each IP address. This tool offers robust support for network management and domain analysis.