Reverse NS Group Lookup

Reverse NS Group Lookup Tool

Find domains sharing the same set of name servers.

Reverse NS Group Lookup is a powerful and practical tool that offers users an efficient way to easily find multiple domain names using the same name server group. Whether managing a large number of domains for a company, identifying potential malicious domains for cybersecurity professionals, or conducting in-depth research on domain distribution within specific name server groups for market researchers, this tool provides accurate and clear data to assist in making informed decisions.


Using the Reverse NS Group Lookup tool is straightforward. Follow these steps:

  1. Start by entering one or multiple name servers into the input box on this page. You can manually input name servers or paste a list if you have one saved.

  2. Once you've entered the desired name server group, simply click the "Execute Query" button to initiate the search process. The tool will search for and identify all domain names that share these name servers.

The search process is automated. The tool rapidly scans the database in the background to find domain names that match the provided name server group. Once the query is complete, the tool generates a domain list displaying all domains that share the specified name server group. This helps you quickly gather relevant information about these domains for better domain management and analysis.

In summary, using the Reverse NS Group Lookup tool requires simple steps of entering the name server group and executing the query. This greatly enhances work efficiency, aiding in understanding and managing domain resources.

Query Results Interpretation

Query results are presented in two sections to help you better understand the domain situation within a specific name server group.

  1. The tool provides a detailed domain list that includes all domains that share the specified name server group. This list offers a clear snapshot of multiple domains using the same name server group, providing a foundation for further domain management and analysis.

  2. For each domain, the tool may provide additional information, such as registration details (registrant's name, contact information, etc.) and the domain's IP address, creation date, and more. These supplementary details help you gain a comprehensive understanding of each domain's background and attributes, empowering more confident decision-making.

Use Cases

The Reverse NS Group Lookup tool finds application in various scenarios, some of which are:

Domain Management

For domain managers, this tool offers a more efficient way to manage their domain assets. By identifying domains that share the same name server group, users can more easily recognize and organize their domains. This reduces duplicates, expired domains, or unnecessary ones, thus enhancing domain asset management efficiency.

Security Analysis

In the field of cybersecurity, malicious domains might share the same name server group. Leveraging the Reverse NS Group Lookup tool, security professionals can swiftly detect potentially malicious domains, reinforcing network security. This approach aids in identifying and isolating potential network threats, proactively safeguarding systems and users from potential risks.

Market Research

For market analysts and business strategists, understanding the distribution of domains within specific name server groups provides valuable insights. Through the Reverse NS Group Lookup tool, they can analyze domain distribution to gain deeper insights into industry trends and competitive situations. This market research aids in guiding business decisions, identifying market opportunities, and devising more effective marketing strategies.

In these use cases, the Reverse NS Group Lookup tool offers an efficient and accurate method of obtaining domain information. Whether it's domain management, cybersecurity, or in-depth market analysis, the tool provides valuable data and insights to users.


The Reverse NS Group Lookup tool is a powerful resource designed to streamline your domain management and analysis processes. With this tool, you can quickly find domain names that share the same name server group, enhancing your understanding of domain relationships and enabling informed decisions. Additionally, the tool plays a significant role in cybersecurity, helping you discover potential malicious domains that sometimes share the same name server group. In the realm of market research, understanding domain distribution within specific name server groups provides deeper insights into industry trends and competition, enhancing your strategic planning.