Domain details


View domain system records, including but not limited to the A, CNAME, MX, and TXT records.


DNS A record (Address record) is a type of DNS (Domain Name System) record that maps a domain name to an IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4) address.


DNS NS record (Name Server record) is a type of DNS (Domain Name System) record that specifies which name servers are authoritative for a particular domain.
NS RecordIP


CoHosted refers to a situation where multiple domain names (websites) are using the same IP address to point to their respective web servers. They could be owned by different individuals or organizations and may serve entirely different purposes.The domains hosted on the same IP address as has,,,,

NS Group

A Nameserver Group consists of two or more nameservers, often provided by the web hosting company or domain registrar. Having multiple nameservers adds redundancy and improves the reliability of DNS resolution. Here are the domains using the following nameservers are the same as,

Global Rank
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WHOIS is a query and response protocol used to obtain information about domain names and IP addresses. It is commonly used to retrieve registration details and ownership information for a specific domain name or IP address on the internet. Explore the most important information includes the registration details and administrative contact information of This includes the owner's name, organization, abuse email address, abuse phone number, and the creation and expiration dates.

Raw data

Number of allowed queries exceeded.


RDAP stands for Registration Data Access Protocol. It is a protocol used to access and retrieve registration data for internet resources such as domain names, IP addresses, and autonomous system numbers. RDAP has several advantages over the WHOIS protocol, including support for internationalization, secure access to data, and the ability to provide differentiated access to registration data. Here is the RDAP raw data for


Registration Date2021-05-20
Expiration Date2024-05-20
Last Changed Date2023-04-15
Abuse Tel+1.4806242505
Abuse EMAIL[email protected]

Raw data

2        "rdapConformance": [
3                "rdap_level_0",
4                "icann_rdap_response_profile_0",
5                "icann_rdap_technical_implementation_guide"
6        ],
7        "objectClassName": "domain",
8        "handle": "158126896_DOMAIN_TV-GDREG",
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10        "status": [
11                "client renew prohibited",
12                "client transfer prohibited",
13                "client update prohibited",
14                "client delete prohibited"
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19                        "eventDate": "2021-05-20T14:16:08Z",
20                        "eventActor": ", LLC"
21                },
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25                },
26                {
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28                        "eventDate": "2023-04-15T05:55:07Z"
29                },
30                {
31                        "eventAction": "last update of RDAP database",
32                        "eventDate": "2023-06-29T13:58:48Z"
33                }
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61                                        "title": "EMAIL REDACTED FOR PRIVACY",
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63                                        "description": [
64                                                "Please query the RDDS service of the Registrar of Record identified in this output for information on how to contact the Registrant of the queried domain name"
65                                        ],
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105                                                "Please query the RDDS service of the Registrar of Record identified in this output for information on how to contact the Registrant of the queried domain name"
106                                        ],
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187                                                "Please query the RDDS service of the Registrar of Record identified in this output for information on how to contact the Registrant of the queried domain name"
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298                                                "abuse"
299                                        ]
300                                }
301                        ],
302                        "roles": [
303                                "registrar"
304                        ],
305                        "publicIds": [
306                                {
307                                        "identifier": "146",
308                                        "type": "IANA Registrar ID"
309                                }
310                        ],
311                        "events": [
312                                {
313                                        "eventAction": "registration",
314                                        "eventDate": "2001-09-30T16:26:03Z",
315                                        "eventActor": "REGISTRY"
316                                },
317                                {
318                                        "eventAction": "last changed",
319                                        "eventDate": "2023-06-20T20:35:55Z",
320                                        "eventActor": "REGISTRY"
321                                },
322                                {
323                                        "eventAction": "last update of RDAP database",
324                                        "eventDate": "2023-06-29T13:58:48Z"
325                                }
326                        ],
327                        "links": [
328                                {
329                                        "title": "Authoritative Registry object record",
330                                        "rel": "self",
331                                        "href": "",
332                                        "type": "application/rdap+json"
333                                }
334                        ]
335                }
336        ],
337        "nameservers": [
338                {
339                        "objectClassName": "nameserver",
340                        "handle": "H6565CBC8A83040CCB58DAE07169FA7D2-ARI",
341                        "ldhName": "",
342                        "status": [
343                                "ok"
344                        ],
345                        "events": [
346                                {
347                                        "eventAction": "registration",
348                                        "eventDate": "2014-03-07T04:50:02Z",
349                                        "eventActor": "Tucows Domains Inc."
350                                },
351                                {
352                                        "eventAction": "last update of RDAP database",
353                                        "eventDate": "2023-06-29T13:58:48Z"
354                                }
355                        ],
356                        "links": [
357                                {
358                                        "title": "Authoritative Registry object record",
359                                        "rel": "self",
360                                        "href": "",
361                                        "type": "application/rdap+json"
362                                }
363                        ]
364                },
365                {
366                        "objectClassName": "nameserver",
367                        "handle": "H1240459314ED43A78DAF4B18D005E249-NSR",
368                        "ldhName": "",
369                        "status": [
370                                "ok"
371                        ],
372                        "events": [
373                                {
374                                        "eventAction": "registration",
375                                        "eventDate": "2019-11-25T16:20:51Z",
376                                        "eventActor": ", LLC"
377                                },
378                                {
379                                        "eventAction": "last update of RDAP database",
380                                        "eventDate": "2023-06-29T13:58:48Z"
381                                }
382                        ],
383                        "links": [
384                                {
385                                        "title": "Authoritative Registry object record",
386                                        "rel": "self",
387                                        "href": "",
388                                        "type": "application/rdap+json"
389                                }
390                        ]
391                }
392        ],
393        "notices": [
394                {
395                        "title": "Status Codes",
396                        "description": [
397                                "For more information on domain status codes, please visit"
398                        ],
399                        "links": [
400                                {
401                                        "rel": "alternate",
402                                        "value": "",
403                                        "href": "",
404                                        "type": "text/html"
405                                }
406                        ]
407                },
408                {
409                        "title": "RDDS Inaccuracy Complaint Form",
410                        "description": [
411                                "URL of the ICANN RDDS Inaccuracy Complaint Form:"
412                        ],
413                        "links": [
414                                {
415                                        "rel": "alternate",
416                                        "value": "",
417                                        "href": "",
418                                        "type": "text/html"
419                                }
420                        ]
421                },
422                {
423                        "title": "RDAP Terms of Service",
424                        "description": [
425                                "The RDAP service (the Service) offered by Registry Services LLC, or our designated representatives (GoDaddy Registry), is provided for informational purposes only and is designed to assist a user (you) to look up certain information related to the registration records of existing domain names.",
426                                "The information provided by the Service is ‘as is’ and we make no guarantee of its accuracy. Registry Services LLC cannot, under any circumstances, be held liable in such instances where the stored information would prove to be wrong, incomplete, or not accurate in any sense.",
427                                "By submitting a query, you agree that you will not use this data",
428                                "(i)            to allow, enable or otherwise support in any way the transmission of unsolicited, commercial advertising or other solicitations whether via direct mail, email, telephone or otherwise;",
429                                "(ii)           to enable high volume, automated, electronic processes that apply to the Service or associated systems;",
430                                "(iii)          for targeted advertising in any possible way;",
431                                "(iv)         to cause nuisance in any possible way to individuals by sending (whether by automated, electronic processes capable of enabling high volumes or other possible means) messages to them;",
432                                "(v)          in a way that is inconsistent with any applicable laws rule, regulation or statute or any policy issued by Registry Services LLC; and/or",
433                                "(vi)         in contravention of any applicable data and privacy protection acts.",
434                                "Without prejudice to the above, the copying, compilation, repackaging, dissemination or other use of the information provided by the Service is explicitly forbidden without prior and explicit permission by Registry Services LLC.",
435                                "By your use of the Service you agree to abide by these Terms of Service and accept that Registry Services LLC can take measures to limit the use of the Service in order to protect the privacy of registrants or the integrity of the Service. Registry Services LLC may restrict, suspend or terminate your access to the Service at any time. Registry Services LLC reserve the right to make changes to the Service and these Terms of Service at any time without prior notice to you. It is your responsibility to review these Terms of Service each time you access or use the Service to keep apprised of any changes. If you do not agree to the changes implemented by Registry Services LLC, your sole and exclusive remedy is to terminate your use of the Service.",
436                                "By executing a query, in any manner whatsoever, you agree to abide by these Terms of Service."
437                        ],
438                        "links": [
439                                {
440                                        "rel": "alternate",
441                                        "value": "",
442                                        "href": "",
443                                        "type": "text/html"
444                                }
445                        ]
446                }
447        ],
448        "links": [
449                {
450                        "title": "Registrar RDAP server object record",
451                        "rel": "related",
452                        "href": "",
453                        "type": "application/rdap+json"
454                },
455                {
456                        "title": "Authoritative Registry object record",
457                        "rel": "self",
458                        "href": "",
459                        "type": "application/rdap+json"
460                }
461        ]

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What ip addresses is hosted on?

There are 1 IP address hosting

When was registered? registered in 2021-05-20.

When does the expire? expires in 2024-05-20.