Domain details
Domain Created Date2020-02-08
Domain Expiry Date2023-02-08
Domain Updated Date2023-03-09


WHOIS is a query and response protocol used to obtain information about domain names and IP addresses. It is commonly used to retrieve registration details and ownership information for a specific domain name or IP address on the internet. Explore the most important information includes the registration details and administrative contact information of This includes the owner's name, organization, abuse email address, abuse phone number, and the creation and expiration dates.


Domain Updated Date2023-03-09
Domain Created Date2020-02-08
Domain Expiry Date2023-02-08

Raw data

% Request from % This is the Ukrainian Whois query server #G. % The Whois is subject to Terms of use % See % % IN THE PROCESS OF DELEGATION OF A DOMAIN NAME, % THE REGISTRANT IS AN ENTITY WHO USES AND MANAGES A CERTAIN DOMAIN NAME, % AND THE REGISTRAR IS A BUSINESS ENTITY THAT PROVIDES THE REGISTRANT % WITH THE SERVICES NECESSARY FOR THE TECHNICAL MAINTENANCE OF THE REGISTRATION AND OPERATION OF THE DOMAIN NAME. % FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THE REGISTRANT OF THE DOMAIN NAME, YOU SHOULD CONTACT THE REGISTRAR. domain: dom-public: NO mnt-by: ua.nic status: inactive status: RedemptionPeriod created: 2020-02-08 23:53:44+02 modified: 2023-03-09 06:08:36+02 expires: 2023-02-08 23:53:44+02 source: UAEPP % Registrar: % ========== registrar: ua.nic organization: NIC.UA LLC organization-loc: ТОВ "НІК.ЮЕЙ" url: city: Dnipro country: UA abuse-email: [email protected] abuse-phone: +380445933222 abuse-postal: Ukraine 49000 Dnipro PO/BOX 80 abuse-postal-loc: Україна 49000 Дніпро а/с 80 source: UAEPP % Registrant: % =========== person: n/a person-loc: not published e-mail: not published address: n/a address-loc: not published phone: not published mnt-by: ua.nic status: ok status: linked created: 2019-03-18 10:08:19+02 source: UAEPP % Administrative Contacts: % ======================= person: n/a person-loc: not published e-mail: not published address: n/a address-loc: not published phone: not published mnt-by: ua.nic status: ok status: linked created: 2019-03-18 10:08:19+02 source: UAEPP % Technical Contacts: % =================== person: n/a person-loc: not published e-mail: not published address: n/a address-loc: not published phone: not published mnt-by: ua.nic status: ok status: linked created: 2019-03-18 10:08:19+02 source: UAEPP % Query time: 13 msec

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